Commit to Winning
in everything you do, all the time.

about xtra
Point Group
Xtra Point Group is a leadership development company devoted to enhancing the effectiveness and success rate of people within an organization. We impact leadership, talent, retention, performance, and culture strategies.

What We Do

In the stark reality of employee shortages and changing worker landscapes, Xtra Point Group Founder, Rich Thompson, presents game changing opportunities to increase performance with a special focus on the individual employee as the catalyst to creating exceptional organizations.
Based on years of research and experience in leadership development, Relentless examines the key leadership qualities it takes to win consistently. Highlighting stories and examples from both business and sports, Relentless delivers an entertaining read while providing management tools to put to use immediately.


Xtra Point Group evaluates and develops HR strategies that enhance:
- Effectiveness of the people strategy
- Strength of the talent pipeline
- Relevance of the development strategy
- Supportive nature of the culture

At Xtra Point Group, we understand that our commitment to positively impact the careers and performance of individuals and support the growth and success of organizations must extend far beyond introductions and a firm handshake. Long-lasting relationships are built on trust that must be earned by delivering on your promises and seeing your actions through to the finish. We admire and are extremely proud of the people we have supported along their journey, yet we are always humbled by the amount of trust they place in us. Read what the sports industry says about working with Xtra Point Group.

Latest News Updates
Relentless: Foreword by Chris Ballard
There’s no doubt that 2020 was a year of change for many of us, especially as it pertains to how...
Relentless: Does Tenure & Loyalty Matter Anymore?
There’s no doubt that 2020 was a year of change for many of us, especially as it pertains to how...
The Importance of Employee Retention in 2021
There’s no doubt that 2020 was a year of change for many of us, especially as it pertains to how...
The Social Impacts & High Costs of Not Going Back to Work
Comradery is defined as “a feeling of friendliness, goodwill, and familiarity among the people in a group.” For extroverts who rely and thrive...